2011 Ecuador Mission: June 6-16
Posted: Thursday, May 19, 2011 by St. John's-Shandon Youth Page in
Well, another school year is nearly behind us, and for a team of youth and adults from St. John's, a new adventure in Ecuador awaits! This year, our team consists of:
Michaela Close
Bryana Close
Winston Collins
Dorian Del Priore
Katie DuBose
Jimmy Hartley
Austin Lewis
Anne Miller
Samuel Miller
John Sherrer
Beaumont Smith
Lindsay Smith
Patrick Smith
Anna Williams
This is a great team, and I am excited about our potential for ministry and faith formation. Please keep this team in your prayers as they prepare themselves for this incredible journey.
This year we are presented with a new and unique opportunity. Youth World, the missionary organization that we are serving and working with, is located in the capital of Ecuador, Quito. Quito has the distinction of highest national capital in the world with regards to elevation. So, all our our experiences, while on/near the Equator, have been up in the highlands at 10,000+ feet. This year, we will descend from the highlands and have an opportunity to serve along the coast for a couple days. We will be at a church called Iglesia Zoé in Atacames, Ecuador. The remainder of our time in Ecuador will be in Quito, where we will facilitate a youth ministry event, do some community outreach/service work, and minister to children at an orphanage.
These mission experiences at ministry sites will be sandwiched by cultural orientation, visiting the historic areas in downtown Quito, visiting the Equator, and spending reflection time at Youth World's retreat center, El Refugio. We will be on the ground for 9 days, and it will be non-stop action! It will be intense ministry that will throw us way out of our comfort zones. Our faith will be challenged and stretched. We will be shaped and formed by these experiences in ways that we cannot imagine.
There are a number of ways that you can support us on this mission. One way is through finances (go ahead and get that out of the way). This mission experience will cost about $25-26,000 for the 14 of us. That isn't a small amount of money. And yes, we know that our own culture is still in the midst of some hard financial times. Many people and communities, locally and globally, have great needs. How do we decide to take on this experience with it's financial costs? Discernment and relationships.
Cameron Graham Vivanco is a dear friend and missionary from our Diocese. She previously was the Youth Director at the Church of the Advent in Spartanburg. Cameron is amazing, and her ministry and life in Christ are an inspiration. Personally, I have learn so much about God, Jesus, life in Christ, how the world works, how the church works, etc. from her. I owe so much to Cameron. Cameron's passion for ministry is infectious! So it is through our relationship with Cameron (and her awesome hubby Roberto!) and deep prayer that we have discerned that we are called to return to Ecuador for a third mission experience.
So, here's the basic costs per person:
Mission Fee + Plane Ticket = $1,800
Other Costs
Passport $120
Immunizations $150-300
Luggage, water bottle, medicines, etc....?
If you feel called to offer financial assistance to one of our short-term missionaries, please send payment (made payable to St. John's) to:
St. John's Episcopal Church
2827 Wheat St.
Columbia, SC 29205
If you have already contributed financially, we couldn't thank you more! Without you and your support, this mission would not be possible. And just so you know, the mission fee goes a long way. Not only does it provide us with housing, transportation and food...but it also provides construction and ministry supplies to our ministry sites. When we eat, the locals eat too. We break bread together and it is way cool to see how far our dollars go to helping share meals with the local communities. One of the (many) reasons that we go to Ecuador through YW is that our dollars are invested very well. So much of it goes to the ministry sites and to mission work. Awesome stuff.
Most importantly, we are in need of prayer support. Please pray for our team. Pray that their hearts and minds would be opened, and that they would approach this experience with no expectations. Pray that God will teach and mold them. Pray that they will take on the heart and mind of Christ. Pray for the communities that we will serve. Pray that we would partner with how God is moving and working in those communities. Pray that they will be accepted of our presence there. Pray that God will be glorified in all that we do.
Thank you so much for taking time to read this information. Please come back and visit this blog during the mission, June 6-16. Depending upon internet availability, I will be updating this blog as often as possible. I will also post updates on my twitter and facebook. At some point after we return, we will host an event where we will share stories, videos, and pictures from our adventures. Please join us when are able to do that. Thank you so much for your support and prayers!
dorian del priore
PS...Don't forget to come back to this blog on a daily basis to check for updates during the mission!!!
Please feel free to visit Cameron's Blog by clicking HERE.
Iglesia Zoé located in Atacames, Ecuador: