Where are we going? What are we doing?

Posted: Wednesday, June 1, 2011 by St. John's-Shandon Youth Page in

Hey there folks,

Our departure is just days away, and I thought it would cool to give you an idea of where we will be going and what we will be doing. The picture to the left is of Iglesia Zoé (picture taken from their Facebook page). This church is along the coast in a town called Atacames in the province of Esmeraldes. This is one of our two primary ministry sites. The other site is a church called New Jerusalem, and it is in the capital, Quito.

Below is our rough itinerary. These things can easily change during the course of our experience. Ecuador has a nickname of sorts...Flexidor! That is because you must be flexible and willing to adapt to any situation that may arise. The culture is very laid back and chill. So, here's our itinerary:

Mon., June 6 Leave St. John's @9am, depart CLT @2pm, arrive in Quito @9:50pm
Tue., June 7 Orientation and tour Olde Town Quito
Wed., June 8 Travel to Atacames by bus, Iglesia Zoé orientation after lunch, begin work (construction?)
Thurs., June 9 Iglesia Zoé: Construction, Vacation Bible School, home visits, community outreach/service, and more
Fri., June 10 Iglesia Zoé: Same as above
Sat., June 11 Travel back to Quito, Gedeon concert with Christ School (Greenville) at Carmen Bajo
Sun., June 12 Worship at the English Fellowship Church, orientation and youth ministry event at New Jerusalem
Mon., June 13 Travel to New Jerusalem sister church/church plant: construction, community service/outreach, play games with 1st graders at local school, home visits
Tue., June 14 @New Jerusalem back in Quito: painting, community outreach/service, home visits, etc.
Wed., June 15 Market, Mitad del Mundo (equator), El Refugio (retreat center for debrief), and finally to airport to depart by 11pm
Thur., June 16 Arrive back in Charlotte at 9am

This is going to be a whirlwind adventure! Our itinerary is packed full, and we will be immersed in some pretty amazing and intense ministry settings. Depending upon our internet access, I will try to post updates on this blog every evening, so they will be waiting for you each morning. I will also post updates on my Facebook and Twitter, so feel free to friend me and/or follow me on those respective sites as well.

Please continue to pray for us. Pray for our preparation. Pray for safe travel. Pray that our hearts are opened, and that we go in with no preconceived notions. Pray that we be empty vessels. Pray for the communities that we will serve and ministry with. Pray that they will receive us. Pray that we will be a blessing unto them, and that they will also bless us. Pray for Youth World. Pray for Cameron and Roberto Vivanco.

Thank you so much for your support and prayers!
